Thank you in advance for all of your stories. Thank you in advance for sharing your wonderful moms with us. Below this entry you will see the stories that have been shared in our Mother's Day Contest. Of course there is no winner to be announced yet, but on April 26th the wait will be over.
As the stories come in I will be adding them here without change or correction. You can come back anytime and see what stories have been entered. The winning story will have a book created from it to give as a Mother's day gift.
This year, Mother's Day falls on the 12th of May. That's super special for me because over 40 years ago, on that date, my first son was my Mother's Day gift. Maybe he might be so inclined to join in the fun AND joyous tears and share his "mom" tribute. No pressure!
While you are here, take a look around. We make VERY personalized gifts for all ages and all occasions, including Mom's Day. Because I know there is no love on this earth, greater than mother love. I can't wait to see all the wonderful stories that are going be shared. I have to admit that we tried this 2 years ago and got one admission. And one winner!
I am claiming this year's contest/celebration will be spectacular!!!
I'm waiting and watching.....,