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Your personalization form is BELOW the images.

All of our books are personalized. They are created with your loved one's name, hometown, friends/family and other info as needed for specific storylines. We make them the star of the story. And what makes our books extra special is the love letter at the front of the book and the "About the Star" page(s) at the back. All written by you insuring that as years pass, even when they are all grown up, they will look back and know that they were always special and always loved.
After choosing you book, please fill out the form below the book gallery and upload your loved ones picture. If you have a question, click the button to reach us by phone or reach out on the chat.

It is an extra step but you must fill out the purple form below after choosing and purchasing your book. Personalization takes a little more work and we want to get it right. 

Book Gallery

Give us your child's / loved one's information

All about the star

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